Early childhood week - Collectif petite enfance

Together, we can level the playing field for all young children

Let’s help them achieve their full potential

9th edition - November 18-24, 2024


(Coming soon)

Early Childhood Week Calendar

Official schedule for Early Childhood Week

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Together, we can level the playing field for all young children.

Let's help them achieve their full potential.

Every child, no matter their background or circumstances, should have an equal opportunity to thrive and succeed.

Let’s make sure our kids grow up in a world where they can achieve their full potential.

Why an Early Childhood Week?

Early Childhood Week aims to give a voice to the 512,000 children aged 5 and under in Quebec and to make early childhood development a true social priority.

Early Childhood Week is an opportunity for us as a society to stop for a moment, take a closer look at the youngest members of our community and think about what we can do, together, to help each and every one of them get the best possible start in life. Let’s make the most of this week to inspire and inform a conversation about early childhood development in Quebec, from the womb through to preschool, as we shine the spotlight on local and regional support initiatives, and engage community groups, the business world, elected officials and society as a whole. 

Early Childhood Week is an opportunity to raise awareness, encourage dialogue and advocate for early childhood development.

World Children’s Day

November 20

Wear your blankie square to show your support for World Children’s Day and Early Childhood Week

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Our ambassadors

“By investing in our kids when they’re younger, we’ll be reducing the number of youth protection referrals later on, helping more of them do well at school and increasing their chances of graduating with a high school diploma. By investing in our kids, we can put an end to social inequalities by taking action to support them as soon as they come into the world.”

André Lebon - Collectif petite enfance

André Lebon

Former Vice-President, Special Commission on the Rights of the Child and Youth Protection

“Fourth time’s a charm, as they say! Once again this year, I’m glad to be an ambassador for Early Childhood Week, which is an extremely important event in terms of advocating for young children. For the past six years, the Passe-Partout television show has been reaching out to tots and toddlers in their homes. I’m very proud to be involved in something that has such a tremendous impact on young minds. I feel strongly that educating our children should be top on our list of societal priorities. If you agree, please join me in supporting Early Childhood Week and in speaking up on their behalf.”

Gabrielle Fontaine - Collectif petite enfance

Gabrielle Fontaine


Good lifestyle habits are the first step to better health. Early childhood is when the foundations of healthy development are laid. It’s our responsibility, as caring members of society, to pass on these values to our little ones and, most importantly, give them the chance to discover, experience and embrace the joys of being physically active every day.

Kim Boutin - Collectif petite enfance

Kim Boutin

Olympic medalist, short track speed skating

Every child has a right to be an individual person. But that takes enlightenment, and enlightenment takes education.

Sylvana Côté - Collectif petite enfance

Sylvana Côté

Professor, School of Public Health, Université de Montreal, Researcher, CHU Ste-Justine and Director, Observatory for Children’s Education and Health

“All children, regardless of background or living situation, are entitled to a good education. Education is essential to supporting healthy growth and development. Education also has the power to break the cycle of poverty for vulnerable children.”

Nancy Audet - Collectif petite enfance

Nancy Audet

Journalist, author and speaker

“Young children are people with rights just like anyone else. They are entitled to be loved, to be treated with consideration, to be kept safe, to develop connections with others and to learn. They deserve a guiding hand to show them the way, lift them up and give them the tools they need to thrive. What children get from us today will be bundled up inside them and drawn on for the rest of their lives. Why shouldn’t we provide them with a strong, stable and secure foundation that lets them grow up confidently in the knowledge that they are worthy of love, respect and kindness? It’s the best gift they could ever receive and one that will last a lifetime.”

Stéphanie Deslauriers - Collectif petite enfance

Stéphanie Deslauriers

Psychoeducator, author and speaker

“In today’s world, children are exposed to inequalities and challenges every single day. We have to make sure they all have what they need to get into the boxing ring of life and win their round, so they can raise their arms in victory and feel a sense of accomplishment.   That’s why it’s important to join in this movement and help every child find where they belong. They say that no two stars shine alike. So let’s help children shine in their own way as they grow and develop, and put the right conditions in place for them to stay hopeful and emerge victorious!”

Mathieu Léonard - Collectif petite enfance

Mathieu Léonard

Boxer and youth speaker

Language is one aspect that defines who we are, where are roots are grounded, and how we identify ourselves. So many cultures come to Canada speaking their languages from different parts of the world, but in Canada, our First Nations are in danger of losing our languages due to the laws put in place by the provincial and federal governments. It is vital that parents have sufficient knowledge and support to speak to their children, starting at birth, in their Native language first and foremost. It is vital they are taught their own language, culture, and ceremonies right from the beginning of their lives. This is how we will remain as Indigenous People. To do this, investment, support, and legislation must be put in place to ensure these rights are able to be upheld.

Derek Montour - Collectif petite enfance

Derek Montour

Executive Director, Community Services Kahnawà:ke Shakotiia’takehnhas

I’m very happy to once again be teaming up with Early Childhood Week. The right to a good education is so important, both to children’s ability to thrive and to our collective prosperity. It needs to be a commitment we all embrace. We have a duty to make sure every child is equipped to reach their full potential.

Michel Leblanc - Collectif petite enfance

Michel Leblanc

President and Chief Executive Officer, Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal

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