514 747
514 747
That’s how many children aged 5 and under
there are in Quebec
Source : Provisional data for 2023, ISQ

November 12, 2024
Webinar: How are the regions mobilizing?
Dialogue 1: Concerted approaches to take action to prevent mistreatment
In the context of the call to action and the creation of caring communities mentioned in the report of the Special Commission on the Rights of the Child and Youth Protection, the Collective initiates a reflective dialogue around this theme to bring out experiential knowledge from leaders across the province.
With the leaders of the Éclore Côte-Nord approach and the Action Plan for young people and their families (the PAJEF) of the CIUSSS de l'Estrie - CHUS, a discussion on the issues surrounding these projects and how we can tackle them took place on June 8.
$1 = $6
$1 = $6
Every extra dollar invested in early childhood education
can generate 6 dollars in economic benefits
Source : Conference Board of Canada

An online platform dedicated to early childhood development
Explore content that draws on the experience and expertise of a number of stakeholders dedicated to addressing the needs of children 5 and under across Quebec.
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